Larry Pinkney was mentioned by political prisoner Lynne Stewart in her November 19th, 2010 letter to supporters:

Good to Bridge the Distances once again.  With cyberspace, we are all closer now than ever before.  As the evil empire continues to reveal itself in ever more horrifying ways, we are all called upon to resist and make a record.  I can write letters, read the Times and moan, groan and gnash my teeth on the phone to Ralph but you guys are the “boots on the ground” for righteousness. I love you all.

Human beings suffer,
They torture one another,
They get hurt and get hard.
No poem or play or song
Can fully right a wrong
Inflicted and endured.
History says, don’t hope
On this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme.
An excerpt from “The Cure at Troy” by Seamus Heaney

I’m now closing in on a Year in Prison (or is it closing in on me?) Seems impossible but I certainly had ups and downs.  The ups were the demonstrations of support and love at the time of my surrender and the rallys at Court at the time of the re-sentence and the Prison for my birthday !! To hear the clamor of the cowbells, and the beat of many drums… To Look out the window and see you all out there with signs, chanting–it uplifts and it comforts me. Also, everyday at mail call, except when they hold up my mail when I feel like a star and am the envy of everyone here!  While I do feel that I am operating in a parallel universe–most prisoners do, I am linked to reality by Ralph, my family, the Radio (WBAI), lawyer visits for the case, and also those lawyers who come in to discuss other important issues. I am removed but I am in touch.  I also want to particularly thank the many of you who contributed to the Lynne Stewart Organization or directly to my commissary–the Revolutionary Feminists and the Partisan Defense Committee, who send money each month.  You cannot survive in here without help.  Also I want to thank the many of you who have sent me books.  If I have a “jones” (old school talk) it is reading and I have had choices of my own and your own, which permit me to “escape” from the boredom and absurdity  in here. Also, Folks who keep my name aloud and alive out there– the worst thing would be to be forgotten.  I especially want to thank the International Action Center, Law and Disorder with Heidi Begosian, Michael Rattner and Michael Smith –Mondays 9 am on WBAI, Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Schon and their special guest Ralph Poynter (!) on Tuesdays at 5pm on WBAI,  Where we Live with Sally O’ Brien and Dequi Kioni Sadiki , Thursday at 8pm Wbai, On the Count with Eddie Ellis, Saturday at 11 am Wbai and Radio Free Erin with John, Sandy and sometimes Randy Credico at 1 pm on Saturdays, Wbai. There are others broadcasting on the Internet–Steve Lendman, Rev  Pinkney. and Larry Pinkney. Of course I want to mention, the National Lawyers Guild, the Center for Constitutional Rights, Revolution Book Store, St Marks Church, and many others who have supported and advised me since Koeltl dropped the Judicial hammer on me.

Personally, I am in good shape.  No health problems except the ravages of aging.  I try to walk every day, expecially when we go to the roof for an hour.  You can’t know how good air can smell and taste until you’re deprived. (You notice I didn’t say “fresh” air!!) The food in here is not only of poor quality but is so monotonous.   We also have had very sporadic hot water –no showers. Miserable and we’re very crowded.  I now have 3 roommates–tough but??  It’s Jail. I should be getting moved to a Federal Prison some time in the future.  The judge has told the BOP to keep me in NY at the MCC while my appeal is pending.  They do not have to do it but apparantly have no objection.  Many of you have written to urge BOP to make Danbury, Conn. be my next stop.  It seems counter intuitive that a prison will be an improvement but it is a truism of “jailing”–better food, more outdoors and exercise, more to do.  Most important for this native New Yorker, it is a short trip for a visit and the visits are extended.  So important for my family, especially my big guy, Ralph, and me.

We are working on the appeal of the sentence to the Second Circuit and then we will probably try to get to the Supreme Court on the whole case.  We are not wearing rose colored glasses and the political climate and the very conservative nature of both Courts does not bode well.  But we are fighters.  It’s very important it seems to me that we make deep footprints in this dreadful time — that others may know and prevent. It’s a progression. I also am an incurable optimist especially in things political and believe with my whole heart “The People Yes”.  These are days of a terrible cynicism even among those who are dedicated and enlightened.  We can’t allow ouselves the luxury of giving up–being armchair commentators rather than the warriors at the barricades!

So I continue to write–letters and tributes and letters for events.  I wish it could be more.  I am encouraged by the response and hope that my example at this difficult time will continue to force the issues and heighten the contradictions!!

Love, Struggle



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